Does Marijuana Cause Addiction?

There are many health benefits of taking medical marijuana; still, many are reluctant to try it out because they believe that medical marijuana is addictive. There is much hype about the use of medical marijuana in healthcare, but along with the benefits, there are some side effects too. However, the MMJ doctor Riverside still prescribes medical marijuana because the side effects of cannabis are less than most other forms of medications.

MMJ doctor Riverside

What should you know about marijuana?


There are many doubts in the minds of people about ingesting marijuana and whether it could lead to addiction. Here are some truths that you should be aware of before you meet an MMJ doctor Riverside.

People tend to confuse addiction and dependence. Both though seem to be similar have a slightly different meaning. Dependence is when you physically start to rely on a drug. Those who are dependent on the drug need it to function correctly and this dependence is not all that bad. Addiction is something that does not let you function normally. Medical marijuana could cause both addiction and dependence; however, it cannot offer both at once.

Medical marijuana works similarly to most addictive drugs. It modifies the reward center of the brain. The bliss molecules get produced because of the THC that is present in the plant. The molecules are also what are now as dopamine, and it is what causes the euphoric sensations. The sensation is such that you want to take the drug more. THC triggers a reaction that causes harm as people start to get vulnerable. However, with medical marijuana, the risk of this addiction is almost none after the patient attains 25 years of age.

At times you may not comprehend what is going around you. So you need to be aware of some symptoms of taking marijuana. The signs of addiction are loss of control, not able to quit marijuana even if you wish to and starting to neglect vital activities of life. The condition, however, develops when you use chronic cannabis. However, if you take cannabis without reaching the tolerance level, then you are safe. If you consume marijuana slowly and in low doses, then the effect never reaches the final level that leads to addiction.

There is treatment available to cure marijuana addiction. It is an outpatient treatment. There are problems when one does not understand the signs of addiction. The treatment of marijuana addiction will involve a combination of support meetings as well as behavioral therapy.


Medical marijuana will not be addictive for most of you. The addiction is to those users who use it for recreational purposes. The percentage is low, and these people start to see their work getting hampered because of marijuana addiction.

Make sure that you speak to an MMJ doctor Riverside who will guide you on the advantages and disadvantages of taking medical marijuana. He will also be able to guide you on the right dosage and strain as well as the consumption method that is suited for your health.


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